Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break

When most people think of spring break they think about crazy vacations with their friends. But for me this was hardly the case. I knew my break wasn't going to be anything special, but at that point it didn't matter. I needed to get out of Salem. The two weeks before break were hell between papers and midterms. I just needed a break.

To start every single one of my friends was on break the week before I was. So that alone pretty much killed it. Not to mention if our breaks follow that schedule for the next three years I will never be able to go on "spring break" with my friends from home. This year I didn't see it as that big of a deal because I at least got to see them for a weekend. And I didn't mind not going on vacation because when I get out of school I am going to Mexico with my family and my best friend.

So because I knew that I wouldn't really be doing anything I decided to just work. Because when I work I literally don't do anything for the rest of the day. Its a full time job that I have to wake up at 5 for and its manual labor, which I love but its exhausting. So I figured I could either make $300 or sit on the couch everyday and eat. Basically my entire break consisted of work, which I guess isn't such a bad thing.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

No guest privleges!

I live in Bowditch, but all of my friends live in Peabody which is where I spend most of my time. On a typical day I probably get signed in there at least four times. I have tried to move in on a number of occasions, but unfortunately it never worked out. It is so annoying to have to sign in and out that much. All of the people at the desk know me by name, know which two rooms I go to, and the names of my friends. Its also annoying to have to have to walk back at night in the freezing cold.

So last week someone decided to try to burn down the two buildings. Someone in both Bowditch and Peabody lit posters and bulletin boards on fire. The punishment, for everyone, no guest privileges! This is the absolute worst thing they could do. Because not only can you not sign in to either place, but you also can't have anyone up on weekends or anything. This is pure torture.

I have heard rumors that this might last until the end of the semester. I honestly don't know what I will do if this happens. Whoever did that is stupid, but I don’t think that everyone in the two buildings should be penalized. The way its supposed to go is that we’ll get them back when someone confesses. But who is going to confess to arson?