Thursday, April 23, 2009

Almost Done

There are exactly six days left of classes. So you would think that would completely be a good thing, but its not. This is by far the most stressful time of the year. Your workload is basically on overload which is never good. Not to mention that the weather is finally starting to get nice after what seemed like the winter from hell that lasted forever.

The only thing that makes finals better than midterms is that you get a whole separate week for them. But that doesn't stop professors from killing you with work. You get tons of assignments like papers, tests, speeches, presentations you name it. All in one week. You can't even enjoy the last week you have here with your friends because you have so much work to do. All you can do is look forward to summer because otherwise the stress gets to be too much.

Another downer about the end of the year is the weather. Finally we are having warm weather. And the worst/best part about it is the nicest days seem to be on Fridays. This makes is extremely hard to go to class. And now isn't exactly the best time to be slacking off. Now is the time to be pulling up your grades.

I am definitely on my way to failing my first class. Well I know I am failing and this makes me just want to give up on the class because there is no way I can pull my grade up. Not to mention that I am sick... AGAIN. I feel like I have been sick nonstop this whole year. Next Friday couldn't come soon enough!

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